Wednesday, February 3, 2010


2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (discipline, self control)

Everyone knows that appliances work better when they’re plugged in. They may look like they can perform, but unless they are connected, they will not function as they were designed. Neither will we! The Bible tells us that we “..can do all things through Christ who strengthens…” us. Phillipians 4:13 But unless we stay connected with God through obedience, prayer, fellowship, worship and living righteous, we suffer a case of disconnection and must endure the consequences of voluntarily separating ourselves from Him and His Power! Jesus stated in John 15:5 “…apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

God has provided us with a threefold power source and in 2 Timothy 1:7 He identifies them as the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Love, and the Spirit of a sound mind or “self control.”
1) Spirit of Power…Everyone has attempted to live life by our own abilities and strength, and we’ve failed to break the habits that consume us, and to live free from the hurts and the memories of our past. We need His power, His Divine Ability, in order to live the right way, and to make changes we know are essential. This power is from Almighty God and is available, if we remain connected with Him.
2) Spirit of Love…We want to be able to love others and to have them love us in return, like we’ve always dreamed of, but never achieved. We want to let go of the fear of being hurt by the people we love. As one author stated, “We want the ability to establish deep, meaningful, authentic relationships rather than superficial, hurtful, selfish relationships.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to love freely? The reality of this power is only available in and from the Spirit of Love, and by the way, He is available to live within you! Romans 5:5 declares that “…the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.”

3) Spirit of Sound Mind (Self Control)…The fact remains, that it is impossible for us to get it all together in this crazy world without Divine Intervention. You are not designed to operate on your own ability. You may wish to run your car on water instead of gasoline, but that’s not the way it was designed. In the same manner, you were created to run on His Divine Ability, not your own. When we give up playing God in our own little world, He will intervene and surge into our situations and circumstances and deliver us from evil, and all of its complications.

You can access this power Source as long as you choose to remain connected to Him, as your exclusive power source! What have you got to lose? Put Him first in all that you do, and He will take care of the rest! Matthew 6:33.

1 comment:

Kingdom Dynasty International Ministries said...

Powerful download Man of God ! Heraling the declaration for us as the body in this hour oh how we really need to consume this truth !!!!!! Thank You!