Sunday, February 21, 2010

Represent Well Today!

I love reading the Word of God…it makes me feel so alive…Jesus said that “Man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Paul tells us that the Word of God “ is alive, sharp and powerful…” Solomon relates to us that the words of God are “life to those that find them and health to all their flesh.” Every time I dive into His treasures I see something new and fresh!

I have a quote by Martin Luther, framed and hanging in my office that declares…

“The Bible is alive, It speaks to me.It has Hands, It lays hold on me.It has feet, It runs after me!”

I’d like to offer these words for you to ponder today from Paul’s writings to the Colossians.3:17 “Whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus…”3:23 “ Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord…”

Instead of being a mind numbed robot running through life without purpose or meaning; running on the treadmill of life going nowhere fast, the Word tells us to understand our purpose for the day and even the moment of the day. Every moment brings with it…Divine Opportunity! You may be the only Jesus some one ever has a chance to see. What kind of a picture are you going to render today? Moaning, groaning, complaining and living under the circumstances? OR will you display the kind of CHARACTER that attracts people to the light?

Jesus told us that we should “let our lights shine, so that others will see our good works, and give glory to our Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Deuteronomy 28:1-10 tells us that all the blessings of God are designed so that “…all the people of the earth will know that we are called by the Name of the Lord…” They will know that you are a “chip off the old block!” You are designed to radiate the Glory of God so that He will be found as attractive, in and through your life. When others see Him as your ROCK, REFUGE, FOUNDATION, STRENGTH, COMFORTER and PEACE in the midst of all hell breaking loose in today’s world…They too will call upon His Name to be saved! People are watching you! Today understand that everything you do, large or small, is a direct reflection of His Presence (Or Lack of it) in your life!

At the end of each day we must pause to ask His opinion… “Lord, How’d I do today?” Listen carefully…be honest with Him AND let Him be honest with you too!Finally in verse 23, he tells us to pursue Kingdom business every day, whether at work, home or play. Time is short…there is not one other prophecy needing to be fulfilled before the Rapture of the Church takes place…It may take place tomorrow or 30-40 years from now…BUT I do know it’s getting closer and the time for the Kingdom work will soon cease for us!

When Jesus said that we should “let our lights shine, so that others will see our good works…,” what are the good works He was talking about? Acts 10:38 defines those good works in these words. “How Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good (works), healing all who were oppressed of the devil.” In the Life of Jesus the good works were described as healing all who are oppressed by the devil.If they’re lost…they’re Oppressed! If they’re sick…they’re Oppressed! If they’re empty…They’re Oppressed! Lonely, Hurting, Lusting, Broken, Poor, Abandoned, Abused, Fearful, Broken Hearted, Crushed, Alone, Empty and the List goes on and on…

They’re Oppressed! Let’s get to work with the “good works” Church! Look around you…who is it today that needs to see Jesus in you? Today be a HARDWORKING, CHEERFUL, REPRESENTATIVE OF JESUS!

There is Peace in His Presence!

Ken Bombard

1 comment:

Mark Romero said...


Thanks for the email and for the message you provided. I enjoyed reading your post and found many things that applied to my life. It has been a long road of learning for me and a lot mistakes. I am finally living for God and not for Man. The Lord is moving in my family's life like wildfire and I love it.
