Sunday, February 7, 2010


John 6 20-21 “…he called out to them, “I am here! Don’t be afraid.” Then they were eager to let Him in, and immediately the boat arrived at their destination.”

Jesus had just healed a lame man who had been infirmed thirty eight years, proclaimed to the Jewish leaders that He was the Son of God, and fed five thousand men, plus women and children, from a few loaves and fishes. That evening Jesus’ disciples had gotten into a boat and began to sail to the other side of the lake without Jesus. Let me add right here. Don’t go anywhere without Jesus! You never know when you may encounter a storm!

These disciples had seen the healings, heard the proclamations and actually distributed the fish and bread to the multitudes. They knew from whence the power had flowed, yet they were determined to go it alone in the boat. In the very midst of gale force winds, (their troubles) Jesus approached them. They weren’t even calling out for His help, but He showed up on the scene with the end result that “immediately their boat arrived at their destination.”

1 Peter 5:7 says that “…He cares for you!” With Jesus on the scene and obedience to His command, nothing could stop that boat from reaching the other side in a hurry!

When all is hopeless and reliable means are failing you, you can trust in this fact: He cares for you and He will show up on the scene! There is however, a role for you to play!

You must place yourself in a position to hear His voice, His command. In this particular situation He commanded them “Don’t be afraid!” If the disciples had continued shouting and calling for help, they never would have heard His soothing and peaceful command. When you are in the middle of a stormy situation, you need to position yourself in a place where you can hear His call.

That means to calm down your fearful mind by reading His Word out loud, by singing praises or just shouting His Name. David called on his Deliverer while facing the giant. David “encouraged himself in the Lord” while everyone in Ziklag wanted to kill him. Paul and Silas shouted praise at midnight while stuck on prison. Then hear what He has to speak into your heart!

Do what He says. Apparently in this situation He told the disciples to let Him into the boat, because the Bible says “…they were eager to let Him in the boat." In John 15, Jesus tells us that, if we obey Him, we will remain connected with him, and that nothing will be impossible. Remember that there is always a way out, or through, or around, your situation or circumstance. 1Corinthians 10:13 “…God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted (troubled) above that which you can handle; but will with the temptation (trouble) also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

Sometimes He shows the way out, or around the trouble. Sometime He allows you to go through the fiery trail. Father knows best! Whatever way He chooses, even if it’s through it, He will be with you, speaking to you, encouraging you and empowering you. Daniel 3:27 says that the fire could not harm the three Hebrew young men and that even the smell of smoke was not allowed upon their garments. In Daniel 3:30 we are told that they received a “promotion” after having gone through their fire!

Are you eager to “let Him in” today? If He wants to come in your boat, let Him in. If He wishes to row, let Him row. If He wants to steer let Him steer. If He wants you to row or steer, row or steer. Your boat is soon to arrive at its destination, if you will hear and obey! Let HIM in the Boat!

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