Thursday, July 29, 2010


"Be angry and yet, do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger" Ephesians 4:26-27.

It's amazing how many people are subject to outbursts of anger and frustration these days. The world is a very tough place to live in the midst of all the heightened pressures of our society.

Jesus warned us in John 16:33 "...In the world you will have tribulation;(literally...pressure, oppression, stress, anguish, squashing, squeezing, distress) " I'm sure that no one reading this article has ever experienced the "squeezes" of life! If you're are always experiencing pressure. The good news is that Jesus did not just leave us hanging there in the middle of all the pressure the world has to offer, but He added "...but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33b

Because I've had many opportunities to counsel people dealing with anger issues, and because I've also experienced them myself in the past, I began to check out what the Manufacturer's Handbook (The Bible) had to say about anger.

Ephesians 4: 31 says, "Let all bitterness and wrath and put away from you..." In other words, let all kinds of anger be put away! Colossians 3:8 teaches the same. "But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice and abusive speech..."

If you think about it, most of our anger issues are a result of our selfishness. How often do we become angry because our rights have been denied or we have been wronged or hurt? Whether we've had our feelings hurt, or we are jealous, or not getting recognition, or believe that our rights have been denied, all these things lead to selfish, sinful anger.

In today' Scripture, "Be angry and yet, do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger" Ephesians 4:26-27, God has commanded us to deal with our anger issues every day! What most often happens is that when there is a problem between people they not only let the sun go down on the anger issue, but they also allow many days, months and even years to pass by, as well. Years later, they are still bothered by issues that were never taken care of Scripturally, when they first occured. Over the passage of time, other things have been added to the original issue, and now the issue has become mountainous and they are harboring anger and bitterness in their hearts!

Have you ever thought about what transpires when a person (or yourself) goes off at the least little thing? The Lord gave me a tremendous example to describe exactly what happens when someone explodes in anger. If you think about a barrel of gunpowder, when there are only one or two grains of powder in the keg and a spark is introduced, there is never an explosion. When you get to a larger number of grains piled together, there comes a point when the same spark is introduced and an explosion occurs.

It's the same way concerning anger. Unresolved issues represent the grains of powder. When there are only a few unresolved issues to deal with, the explosive anger rarely occurs. However, let these issues remain unresolved and add more issues over a period of time, there will come a point when one seemingly insignificant issue couples with a spark and all the other unresolved issues will blow the lid off your cool!

In Ephesians 4 the Bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. The Holy Spirit wants us to deal with issues on a daily basis. If you will identify potentially explosive, unresolved issues every day and deal with them according to Scriptural principles, your anger will not get the best of you! If anger has continually got the best of you, then you need to set aside a time every day to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal these problem areas or relationships to you and the Bible way of eliminating the associated anger.

If you do this daily, you will be able to prevent the piling up of problem issues which eventually will explode, and it will also help you to avoid being consumed with these issues throughout the day. It's not very productive or conducive to any relationships if the whole day is consumed with issues or problems. It is important for us to set aside this time and train ourselves to assess and evaluate our issues in the light of the Scriptures. Then we pray for His ability and obey the directives contained in the Word. Knee-jerk reactions are very seldom productive for any relationships and usually result in explosive situations.

Matthew 18:15 states “If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him—work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you’ve made a friend. If he won’t listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again." The Bible states that we should go privately to the person for the purpose of promoting reconciliation and unity, not for criticizing or condemning. If you don't know, or can't find the Lord's way to resolve issues go to your Pastor, leadership, or someone who does know the Word...but get the answer at all costs! here's why!

1st Timothy 2:23 "...avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. ...a servant of the Lord must not quarrel (remain involved in anger issues)... but be...patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, so that they may...come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will." Why should I learn to deal with my anger issues? Because the Bible says that if you are involved in unresolved relational conflict (issues that cause anger), then you have been taken captive as a prisoner of war and the devil can do whatever he wants to in your life?

If this is what you really want then stay angry! Don' take the time to hear what the Spirit has to say to you about resolving issues. I don't care if I'm not even at fault. if I'm drawn into conflict, even if I'm not the perpetrator, I will go and make the situation right. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHTEOUS THAN RIGHT!

There are many other Scriptural applications concerning the harmful consequences of anger and how to deal with anger! Dive into the Word and get yourself free!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fear of Dying?

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me…I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” John 14:1,3 NLT.

When my Dad passed on into glory at the ripe old age of ninety three, the Lord gave me a Word to minister at his memorial service. “No man can stare death in the eye unafraid, whose end is uncertain!” Wow! What a blessing that was. If you are dying and you know what lies beyond, you will not fear death!
The vast majority of people face death with uncertainty and much fear! Is it possible to die without fright in the end? Listen to the common theme voiced by these people.

All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing. ~Maurice Maeterlinck

Men fear Death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other. ~Francis Bacon, Essays

Some people are so afraid to die that they never begin to live. ~Henry Van Dyke

Death is a debt we all must pay. ~Euripides

No one knows whether death is really the greatest blessing a man can have, but they fear it is the greatest curse, as if they knew well. ~Plato

The goal of all life is death. ~Sigmund Freud (Idiot!)

Death is the thing in life to be feared the most because “ it appears to be the end of everything.” Aristotle

When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it. ~H.L. Mencken

If what they all say is true, what could possibly allow mankind to face death unafraid? I believe that all these philosophers missed the boat. Death is not a curse, but a mere passageway into life immortal, basking in the presence, goodness and grace of Almighty God. Don’t be afraid, the cemetery is not the property of the Grim Reaper!

1 Peter 1:3-5 “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.” TM

It’s interesting to note that Jesus promised more than just an afterlife, BUT a better life! Breathing our last breath simply ushers us, as Born Again Believers, into the God designed Eternal Life for which we were created! How can we be sure that Jesus will keep His Promise of eternal life and resurrection for us? The Empty Tomb is the only evidence that we need! As Max Lucado puts it, “If Jesus’ tomb is empty then His promise is not!”

1 Corinthians 15:23 "But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised as the first of the harvest; then all who belong to Christ will be raised when He comes back!” NLT

Job 19:25 “For I know that my redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth…”

So…let’s face death with faith in God! Death is nothing to be afraid of! Let’s allow the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to explode within our hearts and redefine the way we look at the end of life! Jesus broke “…the power of the Devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.” Hebrews 2:14,15.

Do someone a favor today...introduce them to this website today!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So YOU think you know what love really is!

What is Love? If you ever come to me for marital counseling, this is one of the first questions I will ask you! Do you really love her/him? Of course, because they've come for marriage counseling they always say "Oh, much!" I follow up with "What do you mean when you say you love him/her?"

Most of the time I get answers like this...
"I want to spend the rest of my life with her!"
"He makes me feel so good and beautiful."
"I want to take care of her and provide for her!"
"I want to share my thoughts and feelings with him!"

You can add your own thoughts to this one. Do you realize that every one of these statements can also be made concerning a puppy?

This is not what love is! These are feelings and emotions and those are but a very small part of what love really is. Once again let's turn to the Manufacturers Handbook to see exactly what love is...

1 CORINTHIANS l3:4-8 from the amplified Bible reads in this manner...

it is slow to lose patience,
does not demonstrate irritations,
or reflect anger,
or have a quick temper.
Has fully accepted the character of the one being married to.

looks for ways of being constructive.
It is actively creative;
it is able to recognize needs;
it discovers successful methods of improving or contributing to the spouses life.

it is not possessive;
it does not hold exclusive control where your partner is allowed little or no freedom to fulfill himself in what God has for him.

it is not anxious to impress; does not seek to make an impression or create an image for personal gain.

it does not cherish inflated ideas of its own importance;
it is not self-centered;
it has the ability to change;
it is flexible;
it does not allow or expect life to revolve around itself.

it has good manners;
has respect for others which results in a set of Christ-centered standards;
has direction;
knows what is proper and when.

it does not pursue selfish advantage;
does not have primary concern for personal sexual appetites or social status but concern for the needs of your spouse and the families involved.

it is not touchy,
not hypersensitive,
or easily hurt;
does not take things too personally;
is not emotionally involved with personal opinions so that to reject ideas is to reject the one giving them.

it does not keep account of evil;
does not review wrongs which have been forgiven;
does not dwell on past evil;
destroys evidence of past mistakes when possible.

it does not gloat over the wickedness of other people;
does not compare self with others for self-justification;
does not use other’s evil to excuse personal weakness.

it is glad with all godly men when truth prevails;
is in active fellowship with dedicated Christians;
is occupied with spiritual objectives.

it knows no limit to its forbearance;
has the ability to live with the inconsistencies of others;
has empathy for the problems of your spouse.

it knows no end to its trust;
you believe in your spouse and your spouse’s worth without question.
It has not reason to doubt the person’s integrity.

it knows no fading of its hope;
it is not fickle;
it has perfect peace and confidence in God.

it has unlimited endurance;
it is able to outlast anything;
it is able to endure all obstacles
and even love in the face of un-returned love.


I challenge you to rate yourself on a 1-10 scale on each of the above 52 categories. If you really wish to have a good dose of reality, have the someone you "love" rate you! When you discover that most of us are really loving others on emotional terms and not living a true life of love, there is where the journey to real love begins. Discovery of truth and breaking out of deception!

Jesus said that real love involves laying our own life down for our loved ones. John 15:13 "There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." This means that we are to put our own self centered issues and desires aside and put the other first. In Marriage women are told to submit to husbands and husbands are told to lay down (die) our lives for our wives. Ephesians 5:21-23

The world says put your own interests and desires first. Protect yourself at all costs. God says put others first. You will reap what you sew! We create our own monsters; both good and bad! When your loved one starts going off course, don't seek to lay the blame on them first! Evaluate what kind of seed you've been sewing. You can also take part of the credit when things are going well. (Good Monsters)

Confess your sin of walking out of love to God and begin the journey. Confess also to the one you love and begin this remarkable journey together. There are 52 principles here that you and your loved one can work on together. Take one a week and pray for God's ability and practice the principle of the week together.

It may be a little painful in the beginning, but to be free to love like we were designed is well worth the journey! Doesn't your loved one deserve better? Don't you?

Monday, July 19, 2010


Phil 3:8-9 “…all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant. I’ve dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ and be embraced by him…”

There was a time in my life that, by the standards of the world, I pretty much had all that this world could offer. I had a house on the river, boats, toys, cars, women, money, party goods, parties, athletic abilities, awards, scholastic achievements and much more. I was not a happy person!

I began a personal journey to discover real happiness and satisfaction. I searched for it in every venue that this world has to offer without any success. You name it, I tried it! Each of those experiences simply left me empty and without meaning, purpose or personal fulfillment. Believe me when I say “I tried it all!”

As I observed others, to order to assist me in the discovery of what real life should be all about, I noticed a special group of people, who even though they weren’t exempt from the trials of life, lived life in a very vibrant sort of fashion. These people had a zest for life and compassion seemed to be the order of the day. They didn’t have to medicate to rest at night or to awake and face each new day. They always had a smile on their face, and it wasn’t the numb, contrived look that worldly people paint on each new morning.

As I began to dig around in their lives, I discovered that it wasn’t what they had accumulated in the way of material possessions, (Some had them, others didn’t) finances, conquests, business accolades or awards. They all had one thing in common…they had entered into a relationship with this one they called Jesus. One of these “weird” people introduced me to Him and that was all it took. John 10:10 “I came that you might have life (The God kind of Life) and live it more abundantly!”

Paul continues on in the next verse…Phillipians 3:9ff “ I didn’t want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ—God’s righteousness. I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, and experience his resurrection power…”

This describes my life perfectly…I literally gave up on all that “inferior stuff” so that I could allow “His resurrection power…” to come into my life and bring me into the place where He could lead me into a life that brought me to the fulfillment of my dreams.
One by one, He began to transform the individual areas of my life that had suffered from a lack of life through His Resurrection Power! I challenge you today to allow Him to breathe fresh life back into the areas of your life that have fizzled & died...Relationship with God, Hopes, dreams, futures, finances, physical & emotional health, relationships, faith, ability to love others and yourself, purpose, sanity, marriage, feelings, temperance, and victory.

He is looking for relationship with you-not religion. Invite Him into the areas of your life today that are lifeless. Take a moment with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be honest with you. Ask Him to show you the areas that need a dose of resurrection Power. When He reveals them to you…be honest with him and tell Him you need His Power to bring new life into that area!

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say to you, Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” If you really desire from the depths of your heart, a fresh breath of Resurrection Power, He will give it to you!

“I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, and experience his resurrection power…” Phillipians 3:10

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Matthew 7:27 “When a storm rolled in and the waves came up…” MSG

Thunder Storms…awesome, troublesome, and with the accompanying rain sometimes just bothersome. Ask anyone who has been struck by lightning and it’s also shockingly painful, as well. I can remember one evening in my younger years when I sat in a four wheel drive vehicle on Assateague Island and watched the most intense display of lightning for hours.

Lightening and storms can be beautiful, but they can also be devastating. It's always better to watch the storm as it happens somewhere else!

Most of us remember Hurricane Katrina which pounded the Gulf Coast and took 1836 lives. We have watched pictures of the 2004 Tsunami launched in the Indian Ocean killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries. That storm generated waves up to one hundred feet high and devastated many lives! Storms are not always beautiful or fun!

We’ve had a lot of lightening and rain the last couple of days and I was driving home late last evening from Church watching the awesome display of God’s majesty in the heavens. Job 37:3 “He directs…His lightning unto the ends of the earth.”Jesus had a lot to say concerning storms too! Jesus said that in this life you can not avoid the storms.

Matthew 7:27 “When a storm rolled in and the waves came up…” There is no way to avoid storms or trials and tribulations in this life. Jesus also stated in John 16:33 that “…In the world you will have tribulation…” That Greek word for tribulation means “pressure, squeezing, squashing, stress, etc.” Experienced any of that recently?

It seems to me that in the Gospels Jesus knew exactly how to still the storms of life. Mark 4:39 “And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” He is still in the storm business today. He will either calm the storm in you, calm the storm itself, or calm you in the storm!

Here is His advice direct from the Manufacturer’s handbook (Bible.) Translated from the message it goes like this concerning the Word of God. Matthew 7:24-27 “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock. But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.”

So here’s the wrap-up! Jesus simply says that those who discover His Principles written in the Word of God and APPLY (obey) them will stand in the middle of the storms of life! Perhaps He will speak a simple directive (word) into your spirit in a time of prayer. If you apply (obey) that Word, again you will stand in the midst of the storms of this life or “you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock!”

Soldiers are not thrust right into the fray without extensive training and rehearsal in advance. Isn't it time that you practiced for the next storm! get into God's Word and discover His Principles of Life. Immediately apply them in your life through His Ability. Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

Somebody you know needs to hear this message today. Who do you know that is currently suffering a collapse in the midst of the storm? Pass the site on today! Get involved in someone else's life!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Encourage Yourself!

1 Samuel 30:6 “…David encouraged (strengthened) himself in the LORD his God.”

I like to sing (Make noise) in the shower and sometimes I have bad days! There, you now have two new personal revelations about me. King David had these same days and so do each of us. Listen to his words in Psalm 42:5 “Why art you cast down, O my soul? and why are you disquieted in me? Hope in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.” It is a good thing to sing in the shower, especially if you are singing the song of the Lord.

1 Samuel 30 tells us a story about when David was having a particularly bad day. David and all of his fighting men had returned home from a brief excursion against the Philistines when they discovered that the Amalekites had come against their own hometown of Ziklag. They discovered that all of their women and children had been captured and taken away. The Bible tells us in verse 6 that “David was in serious trouble because his men were very bitter about losing their women and children.

Each of us in the very recent past has found ourselves in “serious trouble,” as well. Perhaps it’s your children, your spouse, finances, health, emotions, relationships, church, employment, etc.. No matter what the situation or circumstance, we would do well to see how David responded and found himself recovering all that had been taken from him, destroyed his enemies, and also took their herds and flocks as the spoils of war!
David did not sit on a log and cry out in despair, “Oh woe is me!” He did not call on his friends to have a group pity party. He did not run from his situation or drown his sorrows in the medication of the day. He did not allow himself to get depressed. 1 Samuel 30:6 “…David encouraged (strengthened) himself in the LORD his God.”

It doesn’t address in 1 Samuel what exactly David did, but we do have and entire Book of Psalms (Songs) that demonstrates quite clearly how David reacted when things went from bad to worse. David began to sing to himself and to the Lord. Feast on these words:
Psalm 103: 1-5 “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all thy diseases; Who redeems thy life from destruction; who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.” David started singing to HIMSELF words inspired by the Spirit of God!

Anyway…back to me singing in the shower! I was having a bad day and headed downward. (Instead of looking upward) The Lord brought David’s experiences at Ziklag to my heart and I heard Him say to me, “…David encouraged (strengthened) himself in the LORD his God.” I’m smarter than I look, so I began to ask the Lord to give me not just any song, BUT a Song of the Lord! This is what He gave me…
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things His Strength has set me free!

When I get up in the morning
And I face a brand new day,
I lift my hands unto the sky,
These are the words I say

I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things His Strength has set me free!

Then I dive into my Bible
And I feast on Words of Life.
No matter what the day may bring,
My strength comes from on High!

I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!
I can do all things His Strength has set me free!

As I began to sing, the words came alive in my spirit and Victory for the day and following week burst forth! Just like David, I recovered all that had been taken from me, I saw my enemies destroyed right in front of my face, and I was given some spoils of war, as well!

Maybe you ought to try singing the Song of the Lord in the face of your enemy. Encourage yourself in the Lord right now! When you praise, He shows up on the scene! Psalm 22:3 “But YOU are holy, O You Who inhabits the praises of Israel.”

When he shows up…your enemies scatter!

Friday, July 9, 2010


1 Timothy 4:8 “Physical exercise has some value…”

For the last year I have been observing a major attack of depression on the Body of Christ and people in the world alike. I preached on “How to Defeat depression according to the Bible” just a few short weeks ago and have also written several recent articles right here on the Blog site!

Since the Lord created our bodies, He knows that physical exercise does have some value in our lives. 1 Timothy 4:8 as listed above continues to say “…but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward both in this life and the next.” Spiritual principles have the major place in dealing with depression for it deals with the root source of a wounded spirit.

However I read a recent article that I want to share with you on Exercising your way out of Depression! Does science line up with Scripture? Of course it does. “Physical exercise does have some value…”

Read the following quotes from the Article entitled Exercise and Depression” I’ll give you the link at the bottom of the message.

“Energy loss is one of the key characteristics of depression.”

“Exercise generates energy”

“There’s a whole series of things that happen when we begin to exercise. As we get up and begin to move and exercise, there’s a general bodily arousal state that occurs. It includes many different systems of the body -- everything from metabolism to cardiovascular activation, various kinds of endocrine changes in the brain, various kinds of hormonal changes and shifts."

“With moderate exercise, [in our research] we’ve been working with short, brisk walks [of] five or 10 minutes. The primary mood effect in that situation is increased energy. Secondarily, sometimes -- but not always -- there’s a tension reduction."

"With more intense exercise -- for example, an hour of heavy aerobic exercise -- there is a reduction in energy and a reduction in tension. But oftentimes, after recovery [from the workout], there’s an energy resurgence that occurs."

“Short, brisk walks’ studies really illustrates this point. People can think about ... how tired they’re feeling, then get up and begin to walk -- walking moderately, maybe quickly down the street for a short while. Immediately, they will begin to feel differently. As we’ve found with short, brisk walks of five to 10 to 15 minutes, there’s a significant increase in energy. They begin to feel it almost immediately."

“It’s a significant problem because when you’re depressed, you have no energy. When you think about exercising, you have no energy to try it. What I suggest is to start out very minimally, just getting up and walking a few steps or just down the street. Then as they begin to move a little bit, they start feeling differently, and they’re able to do some more."

“Exercise is vital."

"Exercise should be part of a treatment plan for depression. The exclusive use of exercise for depression could be a problem for various reasons. But it should be part of an entire treatment plan."

Check out the full article.

So the next time you are feeling blue, grab the Ipod, put on some Praise and Worship music and take a walk…even a short one. Let your body work the way it was designed. Start out with five-ten minutes and don’t feel the need to overdue it.

1 Timothy 4:8 “Physical exercise has some value…”


Sunday, July 4, 2010


"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36

As we prepare to celebrate the 234th anniversary of our nation's independence, we reflect on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" - those attributes of freedom stated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Freedom of religion, of speech, the press, of assembly, of petition ... all guaranteed by the first of ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution (known as the U.S. Bill of Rights) proposed by our nation's founders in 1789.

In this great Nation even though our Declaration of Independence states that we are free to pursue Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, most Americans are still headed in the wrong direction and are becoming more and more frustrated with the pursuit. We're free to pursue it; but we still can't grasp life, liberty or happiness. As a result of the frustration, we have become a society that medicates in some form or fashion to get to sleep at night, to awake in the morning and to make it through the day! One would believe since we are free to pursue, that we ought to have found life, liberty and happiness in the last 233 years. It simply seems we are drifting further from the goal with each passing year.

My first thirty years were spent in pursuing the American dream, and by worldly standards I had achieved the dream. I was a VIP at my High School and played big time College Athletics on a Scholarship. I had money, women, house on the river, parties, "friends", opportunity, cars, boats, party goods and everything this world calls good.

On the inside I was empty and dead. I had no meaning. Something inside of me was crying out..."There must be more to life than this!" Over my years I had observed others; most were in the same situation that I was in...Nothingness. There were the few however, that had something that was different...they had a peace that made no sense to me. There was a sense of joy in their lives, no matter what their circumstances. Their relationships had depth and meaning and I noticed that they had grasped a hold of what I was searching for. They almost seemed to good to be true!

Every one of these people had a personal relationship with this "Jesus!" I had heard about Him, but I'd never met Him personally! He was the common denominator to securing that which I was seeking...peace, meaning, purpose, ability....LIFE, LIBERTY AND HAPPINESS!

Soooooooooooo...I began to read His Declaration of Independence...the Bible. One of the first Scriptures that impacted me was John 8: 31 "If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.."

I dug into the declaration and I, in fact, discovered the way to securing true Life, Liberty and Happiness.

1) Life...Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came that we might have Life(Zoe: The God Kind of Life), and have it more abundantly. John 1:4 states that "In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

This Life is what separates Jesus from all the other "philosophers" They came to bring light or illuminate the minds of men, but Jesus came to impart the very Life of God into His precious creation! Here's the way it works out... " But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." John 1:12 It is only the Life of God that is able to illuminate the minds of men! I have learned as I discover the Principles of God and apply them in my life, I am able to live life the way it was designed...The John 10:10 or "God Kind" of life!

2) Liberty... The more I uncovered the truths contained in His declaration, the more liberty I received. Jesus said that Knowing the Truth would make me free. John 8:32 I am free from the effects of sin...I no longer fear death or feel the guilt and shame when I do sin. Romans 6:18 states that "having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness."

When my Dad passed on into the Presence of the Lord a couple years ago, the Lord spoke this word to me concerning his passing. "No man can stare death in the eye unafraid, whose destiny is not certain!" People often ask me concerning some of the ministry trips I take..."Aren't you afraid, with all that's going on in the world?" My response is simply..."What's the worse case scenario? I die...BUT THEN I live." No one can kill me OR you! We are going to exist forever. Where you spend eternity depends on what choices you make before you exit your earth suit. (Body) Romans 8:2 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.."

I am free from self doubt and inadequacy because He is my ability! I am free from fear because He is my Peace! I am free from judgment because He is my Righteousness! I am free from what others think of me, because He is on my side! I am free from failure because He is my Victory! I am never alone because He is with me always! I am never empty because He fills my life with meaning and purpose! I am free from weakness because He is my Strength! I am free to live life the way I was designed, because He is my Life. I am never lost because He is my Way! I am never deceived because He is my Truth! I never lose because He is my Way where there is no way! Get the Picture?

3) Happiness... "Happy indeed are those whose God is the LORD." Psalm 144:15 What more can I say? I have the Spirit and the Life of Almighty God coursing through my veins and I'm free! I respect people but I don't fear any man!

So if you continue to search for Life, Freedom and happiness, your search can end today! Forgive me, but I'm not talking about those who simply talk about Jesus; go to church once in a blue moon, yet do absolutely nothing to advance His Kingdom! I am talking about those Believers who have become disciples and are functioning in the Body of Christ, digging into His Word, applying His Principles, telling others of His Love and allowing His Spirit to flow through their lives!

America had it right in the beginning...we were One nation Under God...a Nation founded on Biblical Principles but somehow the world and its concerns have caused us to lose our way! We are the light of the world...we are Ambassadors of Jesus Christ...we have been commissioned to lead this great Nation back to the glory days of old! Let's wrap it up this way... 2 Chronicles 7:14 proclaims "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."

It's not America's fault that we have fallen into depravity. The Church needs to arise and show the way, lead the way into the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness! What will you do today?

So I encourage you to "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1
As the song goes...."I am free to run. I am free to dance. I am free to live for you. I am free. I am free..."