Sunday, December 13, 2009


Jesus said to His disciples “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 Avid fishermen and sportsmen follow every passing season with an expert eye, and they readily discern the most productive seasons for the hunt. I want to tell you something direct from the Lord. We are in a very fruitful season right now as the whole world is fastened on the Christmas season, whether they like it or not. Jesus said in John 4:35 to “Look around you! Vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest.”

Like it or not, if you have chosen to be a fisher of men for Jesus, than at one point or another you must sink the hook and reel them in! Real Fishermen don’t just leave their bait dangling in the water. They supply a scrumptious, tasty meal, chosen specifically for their desired prey. Once the bait has been carefully chosen, (The choice is usually determined as they chat at the local Bait and tackle shop and hear what’s been working.) the bait is cast right into the middle of the suspected hot spot. A good Fisherman does not let his bait do all the work. The real work does not begin until the bait has been set.

This is where the men are separated from the boys, so to speak; the catchers separated from the fishers. At this point the catcher is waiting, focused on the line attached to the bait, awaiting the slightest tug. He waits as the fish goes for more of the bait and then… he sets the hook with a tug on the line, and reels in the catch of the day.

Soul winning, or being fishers of men is done much in the same fashion. First the bait is chosen and cast

into the populated areas where the hurting, crushed, oppressed, lonely, empty and lost have congregated.

Psalm 40:9-10 describes the heavenly bait. “I have told all your people about your justice. I have

not been afraid to speak out, as you, O LORD, well know. I have not kept this good news

hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told

everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and. faithfulness."

The bait is simply telling those in your circle of influence what Jesus has done for you


Sad to say this is where most believers stop short. We simply leave the bait dangling in the water without

ever attempting to set the hook. Whether it’s fear, apprehension, insecurity, lack of knowledge, or

ignorance, we never extend the invitation for CHOICE! Romans 10:9 states it in this manner; “…if you

will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised

him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Someone must extend the personal invitation for those who are lost, to accept His Lordship!

That someone in this Christmas Season is YOU!

Go to your loved ones who are lost in this Season and tell them what Jesus has done for you.

The Holy Spirit will give you the right words to say. When you are done…SET THE HOOK!

Tell them that you love them so much you can not pass on this opportunity. Because of your

love, you must tell them, “I want you to pray with me to invite Jesus and His Lordship into your

life right now. Will you pray with me right now?” Then be quiet and let the Holy Spirit do His

work. That my friend is setting the hook!

Don’t wait for others to do your job. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, and your loved ones, coworkers, neighbors and friends are waiting on you. What a Christmas present for Jesus and for you to be able to enable access into Eternal Life with the King of Glory, this Holy Season. There are many souls waiting to be hooked and reeled in this time and season! Will you do
your part?

At the age of eighty eight my Dad was hooked and reeled into the Kingdom of God in just this

manner. As I continued to pray for my Dad, I kept asking the Lord to send someone to bring

him into the Kingdom. Finally He said, "I have already sent them! Now go and ASK THE

QUESTION!" I did and he responded. Today my dad is Home with his Lord and Savior!

Good Fishing! I want to hear your fishing tales and it will not be about the “One that

Got away, ” but about the huge one that you landed!

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