Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Isaiah 53:4 “ Surely he has borne(carried away) our griefs (Hebrew: choliy…malady, anxiety, sicknesses and diseases) , and carried our sorrows(Hebrew: mak'ob, anguish, affliction, grief, pain, sorrow.).

OK…read it this way…” Surely, He has carried away our maladies, anxieties, sicknesses and diseases and carried away our anguish, afflictions, griefs, sorrows and pains.”

If someone comes into your house and bears or carries away your furniture, then obviously you don’t have your furniture anymore! If UPS came to your house with a box, all damaged and broken, full of poisonous spiders and snakes and said “Sign here for these.” What would you say? If you’re the average Christian, your response will probably be something like this. “Oh well, I guess since you’re delivering the package, it must be mine, so I’ll accept it.” If you take the package and its not yours You Are Crazy!

In the same way when the enemy of our soul comes along with a fever, sniffles or flu like symptoms, we receive the package even though it doesn’t belong to us! If Jesus carried your diseases and sicknesses away and He personally bore them for you, the He took the package and you don’t have to! Reject the package. Let violence rise up on the inside of you at the very onset of the temptation (initial symptoms). Jesus said in Matthew 11:12 “…from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth (has allowed) violence, and the violent take it (The Kingdom of Heaven) by force. Israel had to kick the enemy out of their promised land, and its no different for us! Deuteronomy 11:8 “Therefore you must keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land…”

You must kill that Thought before it takes root in your heart. Violent Christians get violent by wielding their sword and swinging it at anything that exalts itself against the Word of God. Ephesians 6:17 “And take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” Do not let the symptoms or initial thoughts of any sickness or disease take root in your heart. It is a lie of the devil because Jesus has “carried away your sicknesses and diseases.”

Do you know the easiest way to kill a giant oak tree? Squash it when it is an acorn. We see in Jesus’ life our example for resisting things that originate with the devil. In Matthew 4 we see His acorn squashing strategy… “It is Written…” and every time…EVERY TIME… the enemy spoke and threw inappropriate suggestions His way His immediate response was to swing the Sword of the Spirit. So too, when you awake with cold or flu symptoms, you must begin to speak God’s healing promises and kill that attack before it takes root!

“By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed” 1 Peter 2:24

“He forgives all of my sins and heals me of all my diseases.” Psalm 103:3

“Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses…” Matthew 8:17

“Well, I said that once and nothing happened.” Start swinging your sword and don’t stop until the enemy is totally defeated and all symptoms are gone! Chew on this statement by E.W. Kenyon for awhile. It’s pretty heavy. “If you are prepared to stand on the Word of God FOREVER, You won’t have to wait very long!” Your enemy knows how long you’ll last. He knows that you’re not the giant of faith that you pretend to be, and he’ll let you take a couple of swings at him until you tire out and let your sword fall to the ground in despair.

If you are in a place of serious sickness or illness, then you have a more difficult, but not an impossible task ahead of you. Matthew 19:26 “…Jesus said to them…with God all things are possible.” Mark 9:23 “Jesus said to him, If thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” It takes longer and a great deal more effort to cut down the giant oak tree than it does to squash an acorn, BUT its still possible!

Get into your Bible…Read the Gospels…watch the hands and heart of Jesus in action. Discover God’s Will as displayed in His life and Healing Ministry. Matthew 8:16 “When the evening was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed ALL THAT WERE SICK.” Connect with fellow Believers who know God’s Will for healing you! Have them teach you, encourage you and pray for you! Discover His principles; apply them and position yourself for His healing flow.



Healing to you from the Heart of God!

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