Monday, June 15, 2009


“Whatever is born of the Spirit is Spirit and whatever is born of the flesh is flesh!” John 3:6

Divine strategy… I weighed too much. My knees were paying the price from years of playing football and now they simply were overloaded and just hurt. My legs went numb after driving for an hour or so and when I got out of the car, they didn't work for a few minutes. When I stood for a while they just hurt…Overload. I couldn't run any more and I couldn't even walk much distance…everything hurts.

One day in prayer I heard these words. “If, you don’t lose weight, your knees are going to blow up and so is your heart. I have promised you ninety years, but if you do not obey and follow my directives, you will die prematurely!” My response was “Are you talking to me?”

I had heard a word from the Lord and now I had to decide whether to obey or not. I struggled with this command for several weeks, because I had lost thousands of pounds over the years and gained all of them back. I didn’t want to face the fact, but I knew this time it was a matter of life and death. Ordinarily I’d strike out and follow the latest fad in the weight loss world; this time was different. I heard the following words and explanation. “Whatever is born of the Spirit is Spirit and whatever is born of the flesh is flesh!” John 3:6

He began to explain to me that whatever strategies are conceived and undertaken in my own ability must be empowered by my own abilities. Been there; done that, and failed. He further instructed me that whatever is conceived (born) and undertaken by the Spirit of God is empowered by the Spirit of the Lord. I then heard these words in my spirit. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ALL your ways....even weight loss, or investments, or child rearing, or marriage communications, etc.

Finally it broke through my thick skull. GO BEFORE THE LORD AND ASK HIM WHAT IS HIS STRATEGY! I NEEDED A DIVINE STRATEGY. I took my pen and paper and went to Him and allowed Him to give me direction (Direct my path).

1) First, I admitted I was powerless to lose weight and that I even struggled with the willpower part. His first directive was leave the willpower issues to Him. Invite Him in to take over. “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” Phillipians 2:13

2) Secondly, He told me that as I recognized and verbalized my desperate need for Him, that He would empower me! “And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory (boast) in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2Co 12:9

3) Thirdly, He told me to profess the following… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Php 4:13

4) Everything was fine up to this point; but here came the shocker! “I want you to give up meat (Beef, fish, poultry, pork…all animal products) and dairy products.” Whoa Baby! What... NO MEAT? I LOVE MEAT & CHEESE!

At this point, He caused a few scientific facts to pass my way.

A) In countries where there is little or no meat consumption, arteriosclerosis and diabetes are basically non existent.

B) For every pound of weight you lose, four pounds of pressure is removed off your knee joints.

C) And many other juicy tidbits.( Good book to read: Health Power: health by Choice, Not Chance. By Dr. Hans Diehl (Christian)

5) In addition, this is what I was told to do. No more dairy products except skim milk (No fat, No cholesterol) and egg substitutes both ONLY for cooking! No animal products! (Beef, poultry, pork, or fish) Eat the following: vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads (with high fiber content and low fat) potatoes, etc.

6) Expose your sin (Not weakness to others!) The dreaded “A” word… ACCOUNTABILITY. I chose the Wild Bunch, a young adult class I join with every Tuesday evening for Bible Study. Every Tuesday they ask me how I did? If I lost, what was I doing right? If I gained why? Simple, yet tough basic support.

I DID NOT STRUGGLE, OR FIGHT, OR STUMBLE, OR FALL! THIS PLAN ORIGINATED FROM GOD AND WAS EMPOWERED BY GOD! I did not miss meat or dairy products. He had taken away the desire (Changed my heart) and replaced it with a desire for obedience to Him! Today, if I'm out at a restaurant, just to avoid bothering others with where to go because of my special needs, I'll eat a very small piece of fish or chicken, and then I'm right back on it...God's Strategy!

I discovered that when a strategy is born of God…He also empowers the strategy! God never has lost a battle of any kind! “Now thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ.” 2Corinthians 2:14

The final results are in!

Fifty two pounds in 51 weeks. (it’s staying off and coming down steadily)

Cholesterol from 200 to 126.

Blood sugars (three month average) from 178 to 126!

Knees are back and feeling great. On Mother’s Day Debbie and I took a six mile hike on the Kent Island Trail. I ride my bike for miles (15-25) at a time.

I can drive long distance and my legs feel wonderful.

I feel great and I’m looking REAL good! (At least to me!)

What is God asking you to do right now? Get His Divine Strategy. Take your pen and paper and head into your prayer time, determined to come out with an answer; His answer! He will give you the willpower and ability. Don’t live defeated anymore!

I dare you to move in Him!

Rest in Him!

1 comment: said...

Good going Ken!!! I saw you eat a little fish when everyone else was going for crabs. To a Marylander, that's God's will power. Glad you're feeling so much better.