Friday, June 26, 2009


"...I’ll sit back and say to myself, My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!’But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get it all?’ “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Luke 12:19-21

Several huge hits have been taken by iconic Hollywood people this week and as I paused to reflect on the goings on, my heart began to feel very sad. Michael Jackson passed away yesterday and I'm amazed at the outpouring and the number of people's lives that were actually affected by this man.

I can't say that I'm a fan of Michael, I never really got into his music or that kind of music. I was an old fashion Rock and Roll kind of guy with smatterings of Country sprinkled in. His music and mine never mixed. I also didn't like the news reports about his aberrant behaviors especially with young children and the financial payouts to settle the issues at hand. I also was turned off by his physical changes and isolationist attitudes. BUT NOW...My heart has had a change of attitude over recent years.

Somehow God has given me a special compassion and love for freakish people and those who don't fit in with the norm. What about those with spikey doos, piercings and tattoos everywhere? What about the ugly, the fat, the pimply faced teenager, the rejected and the like? Who will care for them? This means if you think I have compassion for, or care for you, that YOU are ugly!!! (Just joking!)

My first reflection and concern for Michael Jackson is..."Is he in heaven?" Did he invite the Lordship of Jesus into his heart before he breathed his last? I know that the mercy of God allowed people to minister His Word by His Spirit into his life. Did he make the choice? Jesus plainly states that "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Hopefully someone stepped up to the plate and had the courage to minister the Gospel (Good News) to him. Hopefully someone cared enough not to be concerned with what they could gain from a relationship with Michael, BUT what they could deposit into HIS life! “I don’t have any money for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ." Acts 3:6 Hopefully he responded and invited Jesus into his life, even with his last breath.

Secondly I wondered what the world's fascination was with him. Did his music make them feel good or different? Did it fill the void in their lives even for a moment? Were they able to forget their own miserable lives and focus on the influence, triumphs and tragedies that amassed themselves on his life? Were their hurts and pains soothed over as they lost their thoughts in his lyrics? Whatever his influence, it was only temporary! Now he too has passed away, as did the feelings from his musical talent as one song after another faded into the past! Only Jesus can give the world what it desires. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your hearts desires... Psalm 37:4

Finally, I feel sad for the hurting people that remain in this world; people from all walks of life, rich or poor, famous or unknown. Jesus said that He came " to seek and save those like him, who are lost." Luke 19:10 There are people out there right now, even in your own circle of influence, who are lost and hurting. If they are lost; they are hurting! Maybe they're lost in desperation, fruitless relationships, terminal illness, or financial ruin. Maybe they're lost in the midst of loneliness, emptiness, meaninglessness, isolation, depression or fear.

You can count on this fact..If they're lost, they're hurting and they need Jesus. These same fans who flocked to Michael Jackson will continue to pursue the endless seach for truth and meaning in a lost world until they come face to face with Jesus. " I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." TM

There is a Bumper sticker that says... " He who dies with the most toys...WINS! "

There is another that trumps that remark with truth..."He who dies with the most toys...STILL DIES!"

Life is not about don't bring satisfaction; neither does fame or fortune! Look at the throngs of people attempting to be fulfilled by sharing vicariously in Michael Jackson's life. Even the Rolling Stones got it right... "I can't get no Satisfaction."

The Michael Jacksons, the Rolling Stones, the Smiths and the Joneses are waiting on us! Let's not let another freaky person (anyone who doesn't know Jesus) die without being given the opportunity. It's time for you to become concerned with Kingdom concerns. Luke 19:13 "Occupy(Do Kingdom Business) till I come." "...Seek first the kingdom of God..." Matthew 6:33

Get compassionate! "And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. ' Mt 14:14
These are Eternal Affairs that we're involved in! This is not a GAME! Don't count on me to pray for and minister to your unsaved loved ones or freaky friends!

You do something! There isn't anything that you can't do as long as you're connected with Jesus! Phillipians 4:13


Unknown said...

Thumbs up for this one! Very mind opening.

Melsana said...

I look at all the messed up people in hollywood and it breaks my heart. Many of them are clearly hurting or searching for something more, and the ones that aren't are probably just living in denial.