Sunday, June 13, 2010


“But we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16

Where are the Davids, Elijahs, the Jonahs and Josephs in the world of today? We are in obvious distress and the world is a total mess. If the Scripture is true, then we should be the ones who are able to do it better than anyone else. We should come up with creative solutions inspired by the Sprit of God, as we wait in His Presence. We have a Godly advantage. The greater One lives inside us! “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

WE are the giant killers! You were born to slay giants! If there is a situation which causes pain or pressure in the world, we can go to the source of all Wisdom and Knowledge; obtain His will and release His power in this sick, sad, depraved world. “If you need wisdom—if you want to know what God wants you to do—ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.” James 1:5

When the wicked city of Ninevah wallowed in the muck and mire of sin and self destruction, God chose and empowered a man named Jonah and sent him in clothed only in the power of God and speaking His Word. The city turned and repented under exposure to the anointing of the Sprit of God. Where are the Jonahs of today?

Think of what that same Spirit that rested upon Jonah could do in our communities, neighborhoods and cities, through one single yielded man or woman. What would become of the drug dealers and the violence that rules in our society. What love could flow in our divided households? See with your spirit eyes all of your children returning to the presence of the Lord. Do you really believe that through our wishy washy brand of Christianity and casual lifestyles that your entire household will be won to Christ?

Where are the Greater Works that Jesus promised? Jesus said “The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”John 14:12 As we raised our children, we told them that the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Jesus were all real. As they grew up they soon discovered that two of the three were frauds and have never really seen anything except a few faith “accidents” which may or may not testify to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The power of God demonstrates the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Have you ever noticed that true “disciples” of Christ have encountered the miraculous in their lives? I am talking disciples, not just believers! Disciples are advancing the Kingdom of God, not just talking about it and wallowing in vain attempts to obtain the blessings of God for themselves.

Romans 8:19 tells us that all of creation is eagerly awaiting “for the manifestation of the sons of God.” We have the solutions! We can point them to the true Way! We know the answer! We are the great Physicians Assistants. We can diagnose (with the Mind of Christ) and heal (With the greater works) those who are sick! We have the power, if we’re willing to pay the price. It has been said that if you want to see something you’ve never seen before; you must be willing to do something you’ve never done before!

David slew the giant who held all of God's people in bondage and fear! The prayers of Elijah ended a severe drought in the land and reversed the course of the entire food supply for the land. Joseph, in the same manner and under the influence of the same Spirit, would amass such Godly wisdom that he rose to the most powerful and influential position in the land. He too, would preserve an entire nation! Look what Jesus says to His Disciples. “for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply!” Luke 21:15

Stop believing you are a nobody! “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” John 1:12 You are a son or daughter of God. You have access to the mind, wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ. You have the power of God available to you. Acts 1:8 The Spirit of God lives in you and wishes to move through you life to impact others! Get into the Presence of God. Many of you have not been there for a long time! Tell Him you are not going to leave until you are reconnected with Him…His Mind and His Power!


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