Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Am I Crazy?

Okay….some people already think I’m a tad crazy, however, I’d like to add to that belief by sharing more with you on the “Robin” story. Yesterday I experienced the “Two Cardinals & the Robin” story! So here it goes. This has never happened before…I don’t look out the window all the time I’m reading and praying…but at just the time I did….

Same place…same time…in prayer…looking out the window…and here comes two beautiful cardinals…one male…one female. They land together…same time…on the stone bench outside the window. From the bench…he flies down to the ground…picks up something in his mouth…flies back up to the bench…walks right up to her and gives it into her mouth. Together they fly away and I hear HIM say… “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

If that’s not enough…as soon as they take to flight..here comes the Robin and she flies up to the bench…worm in her mouth…looks at me and she flies away. I hear HIM say “Trust Me!” I began to tear up.

To add to all that…this morning…same place…same time…same situation…here she comes again…the Robin…worm in her mouth…looks at me…flies away. I hear HIM say “ cast all your cares upon me, I care for you!” 1 Peter 5:7 I think I’m getting the message.

Judge for yourself…Am I crazy OR is HE trying to tell me something? I just hope that Robin doesn’t turn to me and start talking out loud!

I wonder if perhaps you have some type of a Robin waiting to express the heart of the Lord to you today! Star looking…Keep listening!

There is refreshment in His presence!

Ken Bombard

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