Sunday, August 29, 2010


Luke 22:20 “…This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.”

You are in Covenant with God! Better yet, God is in Covenant with you! When you are in a personal relationship with Almighty God through faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary’s Cross and His subsequent Resurrection, you have been entered into a legal binding agreement with Him.

A covenant is defined as a binding agreement or contract in writing under seal, for the performance of a specified action. The Covenant which God Himself has entered into with you, has been signed, sealed and ratified by the precious Blood of Jesus. There can be no more powerful seal than the Blood of Jesus! We are told in Leviticus 17:14 “…the life of all flesh is in the blood…” When you break it down, this simply means that the Covenant which God has contracted with you is backed up with the very LIFE OF GOD which is in the Blood of Jesus!

The good news today is that God is in Covenant with you! He is in a legally binding Contract, ordered by the Supreme Court of the Universe (Himself), because the Blood of Jesus has been shed for “YOU!”

OK… God has entered into an agreement with me, but what exactly does that mean for me? There are some very unique characteristics that are involved in Biblical Covenants. The one I want you to see today is what I call the “Joint Heir” stipulation. Romans 8:16-17 “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ…”

In Biblical times when two families or tribes entered into a covenant, they each brought unique giftings and talents into the relationship. For example the Jones family had wealth, wisdom, creative imagination, and a talent for conducting wise business practices. The Smith family was know for their brute strength, and had a reputation as fierce warriors. They were men and women who could work the land and produce the most abundant harvest on the smallest piece of land.

When they entered into Covenant, they each pledged to one another everything they had and all the talents each had to offer. Now as the Smith-Jones tribe, it appeared that they were lacking no good thing. The wealth of the Jones family now flowed into the Smith family and when anyone would arise against the Jones family, the warriors from the Smith clan would rise up to defend the Joneses! They became joint-heirs, meaning that they both owned/shared everything both families possessed one hundred percent. There was no holding back on anything they had!

NOW PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION: Since God initiated a Covenant agreement with you; HE HOLDS BACK NOTHING! Now read these Covenant Words written to you! Romans 8:31-32 “What can we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since God did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?

God has given you everything…His Name..His Son…His Blood…His Angels…His Promises… His Ability…His Power…His Authority..His Spirit within us…His Righteousness…His Healing...His Provision…His Protection…His Wisdom…His Direction…His Deliverance… His Rest…His Care…His Security…His Reward…His Refreshment…His Presence…His Restoration… and the List goes on endlessly! Can you even name one thing that God has withheld from you? Of course you can't!

God did not spare His most prized possession…His Son. He gave us Jesus so that He could enter Himself into a legally binding Eternal Covenant with us, thereby offering US everything He is and everything He has! Jesus “…has been given a ministry that is far superior to the ministry of those who serve under the old laws, for he is the one who guarantees for us a better covenant with God, based on better promises.” Hebrews 8:6

You would do well to daily rehearse the terms of your Covenant with God. David did! (Psalm 103 ) The whole deal is not about what you can bring to the table of Covenant, ITS ABOUT WHAT GOD HAS BROUGHT INTO THE COVENANT RELATIONSHIP!


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