Sunday, March 14, 2010


2 Corinthians 3:2 “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men…”

People are watching the way you act and live more than listening to the words you are speaking .

There is a story told of Saint Francis of Assisi as he invited one of the novice monks to accompany him into town to preach. Obviously the novice was excited to have the opportunity to hear the revered Francis preach. The two walked throughout the town visiting main streets and back streets along the way. They conversed with assorted street vendors and standard citizens along the way and after having spent a good portion of the day mingling with the citizenry, they headed back to the abbey.

Upon their return, they younger man reminded Francis that he had neglected to preach while in town. Francis replied. “My son, we have preached. We have been seen by many and our behavior was closely watched. Our attitudes were closely measured. Our words have been overheard. It was by these that we preached our sermons.”

Jesus said that “You are the light of the world!” Matthew 5:14 If you want to make a difference in your life, begin with living a holy life. Live a life that is set apart and dedicated to living as an Ambassador of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Be Faithful to, and honor your spouse.
Be the one at your job who always gives their best, doesn’t cheat and refuses to complain!
Be a neighbor who is loving and caring.
Pay your bills.
Don’t get involved in crude jokes or obscene movies and entertainment.
Refuse to be under the influence of anything other than the Holy Spirit.
Don’t speak one message and live another.
Keep the Lord’s day as a special day.
Live a life of integrity and keep your word.
Invest in other’s lives.
Spend time in the presence of the Lord so you go into the world with His Power and Wisdom.

Take a few moments today, and reflect on your lifestyle. What is the epistle of your life, telling others about Jesus?

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