Wednesday, March 3, 2010


1 Peter 5:7 “…for He cares for you.”

There’s an old camp song that goes like this… “Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Guess I’ll go eat worms…Big fat juicy ones…itty bitty squishy ones… see how they wiggle and squirm…” and so forth. Have you ever felt so lost…so all alone…so empty that it seemed like no one cared for you? I know that’s not true, but the feeling is oh so real.

There are so many people who surround you, in your own personal sphere of influence, who need to know the truth as proclaimed in the Scripture above. “God cares about you!” They really do need to know that He cares. In Romans 8:19, the Holy Spirit tells us that all of creation is “eagerly waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.” Everybody needs somebody to stand up boldly and proclaim, as a son or daughter of God, that God loves them and cares for them! Not only do they want to hear the Good News BUT they need to hear proof!

I believe that the majority of Christians agree with this line of thinking, but don’t know where to begin to share with these lonely, empty and hurting people. What can I say that would speak to their situation? TELL THEM YOUR STORY! Tell them what He’s done for you that evidenced His great care for you!

2 years ago I lost 2 people very close to me! My faith was shaken to the core and my heart seemed to be irreparably damaged. A huge piece of my heart was torn out as I watched my son and his wife suffer through the loss of our first grandchild, Elliana, at the age of four months. She is sooooo precious. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t ask the Lord to let her know of my love for her and to just say “Hey!” for me. A few months after that, they suffered a miscarriage in the very early stages. Personally, I was hurting and felt as if I’d been abandoned. My heart seemed to turn cold. I needed a touch from God in the way that only HE is able to provide. He came through!

While I was sleeping late night, the Lord allowed me to dream. I don’t dream that often, but this one will stay with me forever. I was taken to Heaven and as I was ushered in, a beautiful young lady with big brown eyes..approximately 20-22 years old…dressed in a beautiful white spring like, lacey dress…the kind of beauty that goes right to your heart…inner and outer beauty…she walked right up to me and after looking with love deep into my eyes…she hugged me. I could feel her peace and love, and the Glory of God, pulsing through her embrace. As soon as I saw her I knew she was my granddaughter, Eliana.

As she broke the embrace, and looked again into my eyes, I saw another beautiful young lady about a year younger than Eliana, walk up behind her. For the first time, Eliana spoke to me and simply said “This is my sister, Elizabeth.” I knew that this was the young fetus, who had been lost in the early stage of pregnancy…but now I knew her personally! I hugged Elizabeth too!With overwhelming joy, I was taken back to my room and as I awoke, I was crying tears of joy and peace consumed my entire being. You see…God loved me so much…he knew what it would take to bring closure and healing into my life…and He did it for me… at the right time…simply because He cares for me! Since that moment, when He displayed His care for me…my faith is fired up, my walk is holy, and my heart is filled with compassion for my fellow man. I will not slow down!

A couple days I was sharing this story with my son…I discovered something I hadn’t known (Another confirmation from God) that Mike & Kris had planned to name all of their children with names beginning with the letter “E.” By the way our newest granddaughter Eva, is awesome. And I dare not forget to mention Mason…our Grandson.

God demonstrated His love and care for me by opening the doors of my heart with the key that only HE knew was needed. God also cares for you. He has NO FAVORITES! WE’RE ALL HIS FAVORITES!Let me close with this…God will never love you any more than He does right now. He will never love you any less than He does right now!

GOD CARES FOR YOU and He expects you to be a reflection of that CARE…TODAY! Who is it that He has placed in your circle of influence? Who will you embrace today with the CARE OF GOD?

There is Peace in His Decrees!

Ken Bombard

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