Sunday, January 17, 2010

Love is Kind

Love is kind…” 1 Cor 13:4b

Kindness can be defined as “Love in Action!” In Luke 10:33 the Bible says that the Good Samaritan “…saw the man’s condition, his heart went out to him.” We need to begin to develop eyes that see the need & the hurts in people all around us. We need to slow down and recognize the conditions of those whom God has placed in our own individual circle of influence, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE MOST UNLOVABLE!

One translation says that “When he saw the man’s condition, his heart went out to him…(was moved with compassion) . When Jesus saw people’s condition, He responded in like fashion… “Mt 14:14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. In verse 37 of Luke 10 Jesus tells us to “go and do likewise,” or to go and show mercy to others we are able to influence.

The Lord gave me a definition of mercy one night many years ago. “Mercy is the innate desire of God to get intimately involved in removing the source of distress in someone’s life.” That is exactly what we are called to do. Do you know that Love for one another is the Calling Card of Christianity? Jesus said “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35 If we are to be true disciples of Christ then we need to be kind and show mercy to others. We need to put our life into action. We aren’t able to see the hurts or recognize the needs in other’s lives because our own lives are filled with busyness.

We need to play the part of the good Samaritan as I stated above. We need to begin to practice seeing the needs of others and to be moved with compassion toward that need. When compassion reigns in our hearts we begin to “seize the moment” and to do whatever we can with what ever we have at that time at our disposal.


When you reach out to someone in pain, you have one hand connected to the heartbeat of God and the other is connected to the hurting, pain filled heart of the person in need. God’s Word promises that He will empower you when you reach out in Love. Love is the only power in the universe which is destined to Victory every time. “Love never fails.”1 Cor 13:8

If we are going to be loving people…moving on behalf of the heart of God…then we must be willing to be interrupted in the course of our lives and we must be prepared to take risks. The Samaritan was on a journey…he had a plan…a destination and a specific timetable, yet he responded to the interruption and got involved at his own expense in someone else’s pain. He was not avoiding the interaction due to some possible personal consequences or inconveniences. He was not afraid. “Perfect love casts out all fear.”1 John 4:18.

Be prepared to spend whatever it takes, whether it be a hearing ear, time, personal involvement, wisdom from the Word, encouragement, finances, etc.. The Samaritan told the innkeeper that he would pay whatever it costs. The essence of kindness is doing something for someone else without expecting anything in return, at whatever the cost.

Have you ever needed a Good Samaritan and everyone let you down? How did you feel? Was there ever a situation where someone stepped up and got involved in your heartache? Wasn’t it incredible…a true gift from God? Who is there that you haven’t been seeing the hurt? They are right in your own circle of influence today. Ask the Lord to give you eyes to see hurts and pain in those who surround you. Step out today and put your love in action…be kind to someone. Pull out that Calling Card and let them know who your represent!

Rest in His Presence!

Ken Bombard

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