Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What to Do in Times of Trouble!

Deuteronomy 4:30 “When those bitter days have come upon you in the latter times, you will finally return to the Lord your God and listen to what he tells you. 31For the Lord your God is merciful—he will not abandon you…nor forget the promises he has made…”

Jesus said “…In the world you will have tribulation…” John 16:33
All around me I am hearing the heart cries of people whose lives are being torn apart through trials, tribulations, turmoil and distress. Don’t be surprised because Jesus told us that those things were inherent in the world we live in. Tribulation is part of the sin infested world in which we live.

What is a Christian to do when trouble or calamity strikes? May I just share a few simple truths with you today? Tonight I rehearsed what the Lord has trained me to do as I have uncovered various principles in His life giving Word.

1) Check Your Current ConnectivityJohn 15:3 Jesus said that “…apart from me, you can do nothing.” I have learned that when trouble comes my way it’s time to stop and listen to the Voice of the Lord. Tell me Lord what do I have to do? Where have I gone wrong? I know that fiery darts (trials) are going to come my way, but they don’t have to get through unless I have broken the hedge of God’s protection. Ecclesiastes 10:8 “He that…breaks a hedge, a serpent shall bite him.”

When they have broken through, I immediately go to him so that He can honestly assess my current connectivity. Isaiah 59:2 “…your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” Herein lies a major key. When I am walking in un-confessed OR un-repented sin, I have been separated from the ability to hear His voice (His directives or plan of victory or escape) or receive of His Divine ability and power in my situation. That sin which has not been dealt with breaks my fellowship (intimacy) with God. 1John 1:6 “If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth”

I allow Him to be honest with me…How’s my relationship? How’s my walk and my testimony? Letting God be honest with us is often very difficult, because His light exposes everything, and sometimes I look pretty ugly to myself.

2) Give Him Lordship Over AllMatthew 6:33 “Put God and His Kingdom first and everything else will be given to you.” Tell Him that you don’t want lordship over this situation or any situation in your life. Admit you aren’t able to handle it by yourself. Paul said that “…in my weakness, His strength is made perfect…” Proverbs 3:6 states “In all your ways acknowledge Him…”

3) Seek His DirectionProverbs 3: 6 continues in stating that when you acknowledge Him, “He will direct your paths.” This is a difficult process which seems to take a lifetime of practice and submission to His Lordship, beginning with even the smallest of troubles. It’s also helpful to be connected with a Brother or Sister in the Lord, who is willing to remind us to seek the Lord and His directives. When He issues your directions, obey them, for without your loving obedience, you will be handling your trial on your own!

4) Rehearse His Names.. There is something in the makeup of God that causes Him to show up when His name is revered and proclaimed. David called on his deliverer when he faced and defeated the giant. Paul and Silas sang praises to His name in the prison and the walls fell down. Elijah called on His name on Mount Carmel and defeated the prophets of Baal. Jesus called on His name on the Cross and claimed victory over death, hell and the grave. Psalm 22:3 states that He “…inhabits the praises of Israel.” When His Name is called, He shows up on the scene and rescues His people.
Call on the Comforter, the Healer, the Deliverer, the Provider, the Champion, the Almighty, the Turner of Hearts, the Savior!

5) Expect His Victory… even in the appearance of defeat. Remember His Word! Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” No matter what the source of your situation, (self, world, devil or the Lord) He will work it out for your good! You will get the ultimate victory and He will get glory! 2Corinthians 2:14 “Now thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ…”

No one ever said that this life would be free from heartache and hardship, but rest assured that He will go through it with you, if you allow Him! You don’t need to go it alone.
If you know someone today who is under assault, please share these words with them! God will use you greatly!

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