Thursday, October 21, 2010

Your Biggest Mistake!

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The Ken Bombard translation simply says this: “If you put God FIRST in all things, He will take care of the rest!” Our priorities are out of whack! We have it all backwards. We put every thing and everyone else first, and give Him our leftovers. Our days begin by being instantly thrust into the affairs of the world, without refueling or refreshing in the Presence of God. (Acts 3:19) We struggle in everything we do throughout the day and we wind up at the end of the day thoroughly exhausted and give Him a simple “Goodnight Lord.”

“BUT…” we say. “I have to take care of my family and that takes time!” Let me share a Kingdom secret with you right now! WHATEVER YOU MANUFACTURE, YOU MUST MAINTAIN! That includes the care, provision, protection, nurture and growth of your family. God desires to provide for your every need. Philippians 4:19 “…my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” If we will let Him, that will even include our families. Remember this…WHATEVER GOD MANUFACTURES, HE WILL MAINTAIN! According to Matthew 6:33 quoted above….IF I put Him and His Kingdom work first in my life….HE will take care of my family!

May I add, that He is capable of doing a better job than us! If you rearrange your priorities, and place God where He belongs in your life, then all the time you spend at the Doctor’s office, the Principle’s office, the Counselor’s office, etc., will be eliminated or greatly reduced. It’s hard to row a boat upstream without an oar. Life flows upstream and God is not just our oar, He is our engine and He wants to be our helmsman, as well! Do you also know that it doesn’t hurt your children, to bring them along when you are ministering to others. It gives them a chance to see the Love and the Spirit of God in action!

Last weekend, a group of men helped out a family that needed some special assistance around the yard and their house. One of the men brought his young daughter along and SHE helped the family clean inside along with the only other lady who showed up. Oh My…were they blessed! They were blessed; the young lady learned that blessing others is a greater blessing to ourselves, AND she will be blessed by God for blessing them! What a great deal!

In the same manner please don’t go to work or out into the world without first being with God. If you’re a night person, then spend time with Him in His Word and in conversation (two way prayer) at night, when you are strongest. If you’re a morning person then get up earlier and spend a few precious moments with the One Who loves you, and desires to empower you and give you Godly wisdom for whatever will come your way in the day ahead!

Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate our life priorities. Would you stop for a moment right now and ask Him, “Lord, what are the areas of my life that are out of whack? What do I need to evaluate? What do you wish to change in my life?” If you will consider this challenge, bring a pen and paper when you do ask. As you hear and obey your life will be influenced by Godly Wisdom and empowered by Divine ability! Doesn’t THAT sound refreshing?

If you won’t take the time, what is it that you’re afraid of? The Truth!

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