Thursday, September 16, 2010


Acts 1:8 “After the Holy Ghost has come upon you, you shall receive power to witness…”

Do you know that right at this very moment unbelievers are watching the Church? They are watching every move you make. They are observing who we are and what we do, to see if we have really found the way and discovered the truth. So what that means for us is this…a peripheral, superficial walk with the Lord will not stand up in the court of public scrutiny.

They are looking for the real thing in the Church and they don’t always see it. Some will excuse the lack of insight to the general public by saying they are spiritually blind, but I believe that the problem lies with us, the Church and that the power of God is not clearly demonstrated within our lives. Matthew 22:29 “Jesus answered and said unto them, You err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” Jesus said that the problem lies squarely with those who proclaim to follow God.

What the world sees is what I like to call “Environmental Christianity.” A society created by our surroundings; Bible classes, tapes, Christian TV, prayer meetings and Christian friends. We even speak the Christian language, but when a non-believer looks at us what do they see? Do they see the power of God or simply a reflection of our environment. What they really want is to see a living faith expressing the love and the power of God. They desire to experience the Living God.

In Acts 1:8, we are told that “when the Holy Ghost comes upon us, we shall receive power to witness..” There is to be a force within us that demonstrates to others, giving them proof that the one we follow is the Author of life! Herein lies our problem. When we do not live day by day in an intimate relationship with Jesus, (walking in loving obedience) we soon discover that our own second hand faith is disintegrating. Believing facts about Jesus is simply not enough! We need to be intimately connected with the person Who embodies these facts contained within the pages of the Bible. Without intimate relationship with Jesus we become like Coke that has lost its fizz!

James 2:19-20 “You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” But will thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? " Listen carefully to these words…”FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.” The works I believe are being discussed here are the supernatural workings that are supposed to accompany the Holy Spirit when He comes upon us! Simply believing things about Jesus does not make us believers; even the demons believe!

Deuteronomy 7:9 “Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;” Being a Christian requires continual commitment to a Living Lord…A RELATIONSHIP OF LOVE AND OBEDIENCE. John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” Being a Christian involves more than knowing something or believing something. Christianity is receiving someone…living with someone…responding to Jesus.

In the Bible we can clearly see man’s faith in God revealed in tweir day to day decisions and lives…
Joseph fled from Potiphar’s wife and ran the kingdom.
Moses abandoned his sonship with Pharoah and the worldly ways of the palace to identify with the afflicted people of God and he was chosen to lead God’s people.
Elijah boldly challenged the prophets of Baal and God answered with fire from heaven.
Paul and Silas sang praises at midnight and God shook the earth to set them free!

These were not pious expressions emanating out of religious indoctrination but were a direct result of living in relationship with Him…thereby demonstrating His Nature and Character in everyday living. What did your life demonstrate today? This Week? What has your life spoken since you were born again? 2 Corinthians 3:2 “You are our epistle…known and read by all men:”

Isn't it time we got moving in the Power of the Holy Spirit!

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